What Are The Pa Auto Insurance Requirements

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By R Daniel Williams
Being sufficiently protected at all times while threading through the roads and highways of Pennsylvania require you to own a significant level of liability coverage in your car insurance policy. Liability insurance is what covers any damage that you caused during an accident. This is separate from the other features of the car insurance industry in the state such as the comprehensive or collision coverage. You must know the levels of liability coverage that is allowed so you can select a good amount of coverage. The state had incorporated the 15/30/5 standard. Each figure is the minimum amount in dollars (and in the thousands) of the liability coverage that your plan must ideally have in each part to comply with the state law.
The first figure is the limit of the Bodily Injury Liability for every injured person at $15,000. The second refers again to the limit of Bodily Injury Liability for all of the injuries in a particular accident, which should be at least $30,000. The last figure specifically concerns property. It is the limit for the property damage liability, which covers at least $5,000. These requirements are notably among the lowest anywhere in the country, so considering an additional coverage for comfort and for peace of mind is relatively important. And unfortunately, if there happens to be any discrepancies with the total cost of the damages and what the insurance company will pay you for it can become your responsibility. The best thing you can do here is to anticipate and opt for higher coverage.
The standard figures above are just the minimum that you can apply for. Many car insurance experts agree that drivers should have more protection than what is allowed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Causing an accident proves to be devastating, especially on the financial aspect. This is due to the direct expenses that will mainly define the scenario, not to mention the potential lawsuits that could suddenly develop. And to steer yourself away from all of these, afford yourself as much liability insurance as you can. Liability insurance is widely popular because it simply costs less. Its responsibility is only to the other party’s losses, but it will also protect you from becoming responsible for the damages of the other party.
You also have an option of the Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage when it comes to accidents caused by any uninsured or underinsured driver. It’s not really a requirement, but it’s also a valuable coverage to consider.
The PennDOT cannot identify directly your relationship with your insurance carrier, in this situation you have to prove them that you meet the minimum insurance requirements of the state. You must provide the following:
* Your insurance identification or the page of your insurance policy declaration.
* Your application for the Pennsylvania Assigned Risk Plan signed by the insurance agent.
* A letter stating your current coverage from your insurer, also signed by the insurance agent or any of its representatives.
If you are not keen to comply with the insurance requirements, you might be faced with penalties, steep enough to include fines or worse, license suspension. And it all boils down to the crucial part of selecting the right Pa auto insurance plan.
About the Author: Are you looking for more information regarding Pa auto insurance ? Visit williams-agency.net/wp/auto-insurance/ today!
Source: isnare.com
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