Win The Fight Against Itp Blood Disorder}

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Submitted by: Laura H Jean
Advances in the medical field seem to come faster than we can keep up with them, that is if you are healthy and not waiting for relief or a cure from some relentless disease. On the other hand, if you are ill the wait can seem endless. What is even worse is if a cure or relief has always been there and gone unnoticed or even discounted. This is exactly the case when it comes to ITP Blood Disorder.
Standard treatments such as steroids, chemotherapy or spleen removal have been around for quite some time and have provided some relief for sufferers of platelet dysfunction. However these default treatments come with serious side effects. A recent You Tube video of a young woman with ITP had her spleen removed at 17 now has to many platelets and has to take blood thinners for the rest of her life to avoid a stroke is just one example.
Unlike Hemophilia, ITP Blood disorder is not genetic. More often than not it is triggered by something or a combination of things. Identifying the trigger or triggers is the first step towards winning your fight against ITP Blood Disorder. Your immune system is overacting or is confused, destroying platelets as if they were the enemy. ITP is an autoimmune disorder and the root causes are often over looked by doctors who usually get involved in treating the symptoms instead.
The life style of Western nations is a big contributor to low platelet blood count. Much can be done to combat this with a change in diet. A diet eliminating processed foods can be the first step towards recovery from ITP Blood Disorder. A mother of a young girl implemented this on her daughter and increased platelets from 5K to 117K. You can read the complete story of Maggie and Vivianna in this free ebook, 7 Steps to Cure ITP Naturally.
Eating a healthy diet and proper exercise is good for anyone so if you are suffering from low platelet blood count this is a good place to start. However you will most likely need to dig a little deeper to get results. It is best to get a complete blood panel and identify any possible vitamin or mineral deficiencies. You may also be able to identify chemical or heavy metal exposures so as to eliminate future exposures to these.
If necessary more detailed testing with Bio-tracker technology can be used to find the more difficult triggers to ITP. This and an advanced form of testing using DNA samples is helpful. This has helped some when the common tests yield little results. I would also suggest seeing a nutritionally orientated or even a naturopathic doctor before implementing any natural methods or remedies to increase platelets.
You need to realize that in order to win the fight against ITP Blood Disorder you will have to take action. You will have to take responsibility for your health. No one else will do it for you! Learn everything you can about your condition and all the options available. Research what others have done and the results they have attained. Make things happen and win your struggle against platelet dysfunction. Good health to you.
About the Author: Laura Jean has discovered that you can fight
ITP Blood Disorder
using proven natural techniques ignored by most doctors and the medical community. win the fight against
ITP Blood Disorder
minus the harmful side effects from prescription drugs. ***FREE DOWNLOAD***
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