Why You Should Choose Pecan Thank You Gifts In Phoenix

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byAlma Abell
Pecans make great Thank you Gifts in Phoenix and anywhere else in the world. Whether you say pee-can or pi-kahn, the deliciousness of the nut remains the same. Why should you give pecans when there are so many different types of thank you gifts? There are several reasons why pecans are the best choice.
RecipesWhen you think of pecans, what comes to mind? Pecan pie? Butter pecan toffee? Your mouth is watering just thinking about it. A bulk amount of pecans in a decorative box with ribbon is an invitation to make lots of yummy foods. You’re not just giving pecans, which taste great alone, but the opportunity to make lots of other goodies. It’s several gifts in one.
DifferentYou might be thinking that giving nuts as a thank you gift is nothing new. That’s not true. Most thank you gifts in Phoenix use different, more common, nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and cashews. Think about the many mixed nuts sets you’ve had in your life. How many contained pecans? They are rarely used in gifts, and that makes them a different choice.
SpecialMany people don’t realize how special pecans are. They just think it’s a yummy nut. You can tell them differently with a gift box. Ninety percent of the world’s pecans are grown in the U.S., making it a very American snack. It takes ten years for a pecan tree to bear the nut. Every other year, the pecan harvest is smaller to prepare for a larger harvest the next year. This is all natural and not a gimmick by companies. Pecan trees can bear nuts for up to 300 years.
VarietyWhile you could give bulk pecans as a gift, you can also make it more interesting with different varieties. Pecan gift boxes come in different flavors, such as chocolate or yogurt coated. You can get them salted, roasted, or covered in spices. They are used to make pecan bark, butter pecan coffee, butter toffee, and trail mixes.
Purchasing pecans in bulk will save money. You could make your own gift boxes to save even more. If you don’t think you have the skills, purchase pecan gifts from companies that use locally grown pecans, such as the Green Valley Pecan Company. Click here for more information.