Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentistry Provider Prevents Major Health Hazards With Snore Guard

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Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry provider Prevents Major Health Hazards with Snore Guard
Dr. Naim
LOS ANGELES, CA whether it s a cavity, root canal, cleaning or braces, we all rely on dentists to keep our mouths clean and sparkling. So, why do dentists like
Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry
provider, Dr. Neda Naim, DDS provide other treatments such as snore guards?
The answer is quite simple. Dentists are experts of the mouth, gums, and jaw. One major cause of snoring and sleep apnea comes from airway blockage by the lower jaw. In these cases, a dentist provides a patient with a snore guard that keeps the lower jaw from shifting back and blocking the throat s breathing passages. Next, one may ask: How does a snore guard provide other health benefits besides a cure for snoring?
In many cases, snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which an individual ceases to breathe or breathing is hindered during sleep. These breathing irregularities can lead to major health issues such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, memory impairment, and many other problems as well. Sleep apnea also causes sleep deprivation, which effects concentration and energy levels while awake. Also, because individuals with sleep apnea can not breathe during sleep, they wake up several times throughout the night as a reflex from asphyxiation.
Many people would think to trust sleep apnea diagnosis to doctors rather than dentists, but that s not always the case, explains Dr. Naim. I recommend patients seeking both doctors and dentists for proper diagnosis. Sleep apnea can occur from many factors, not just jaw alignment, and treatment varies depending on the situation.
Whereas many sleep apnea treatments involve intensive testing and surgery, dentists can provide a simpler, non-invasive sleep apnea solution. This treatment comes in the form of a lightweight mouthpiece.
If after diagnoses I find that jaw alignment is causing the patient to experience cessation of breathing, I provide my patients with a mouthpiece that realigns the jaw and allows a natural breathing passage during sleep, says Dr. Naim, a
Los Angeles dentist
. “It’s a great device. I’ve never heard of patients complaining about wearing the mouthpiece, probably because they’re sleeping much better and not waking up other household members with their snoring.”
Diagnosing jaw alignment of a patient is done primarily through a sleep test adds the Los Angeles cosmetic dentistry practitioner. According to WebMD.com, sleep tests monitor several factors such as air passageways and brain signals during sleeping hours. These measurements determine where the air blockages occur, which tells physicians and dentists how to best treat the condition.
After diagnosis, the dentist measures the patient s jawline and orders a snore guard for fabrication at a dental lab. Within two weeks the snore guard is in the hands of the patient and the patient can enjoy restful sleep without hindrances. And of course patients have the great benefit of not snoring anymore as well.
Snore Guard
The snore guard is a small plastic device that shifts the lower jaw forward during sleep. This eliminates the possibility for the lower jaw to constrict the airways in the esophagus and removes breathing irregularities while sleeping.
“A very important factor to consider when choosing treatment is cost,” says Dr. Naim. “A mouthpiece is far cheaper than surgery or prescription drugs, and the treatment is reversible. Wearing a mouthpiece may not be the funnest thing in the world, but it’s not painful to wear and saves patients a lot of money.”
In addition to snore guards, Dr. Naim provides other special services such as athletic sports guards and bad breath treatment. Her dental services include cleanings, sealants, root canals, crowns, veneers, bonding, dentures, dental implants, and teeth whitening. Dr. Naim is also a certified Los Angeles Invisalign provider.
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To learn more about Dr. Naim s snore guard treatment, visit the
Los Angeles dental implants
provider s Web site:
; contact Dr. Naim at her practice, located at 11645 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 804, Los Angeles, California; or call: (310) 479-7852 to schedule a consultation.
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