Family Health Care In An Emergency}

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Family Health Care in an Emergency
Nick AdamaRecently, I took a class on providing medical care during an economic emergency or natural disaster. What was most eye opening was the realization that, if anything happens where specialized hospital care is not available, the quality of health services would decline to the level of the 1850s. Some of the information I learned in that class will be shared in this article, but consulting a doctor or the Red Cross about such emergencies is a great idea for more information.
One of the most important concerns any family has is of the health of their family, friends, and neighbors. But in a situation of economic collapse, rising unemployment, a decline in government services, and increasing health care costs, it may be necessary for homeowners to survive on their own with a lower standard of medical care. Unfortunately, many borrowers rely more on their insurance and the government than they may be able to provide in the future.
As everyone witnessed with the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans, government services in the event of an emergency will more than cease to exist. Worse than that, people already receiving government welfare will use up the resources in a matter of hours and then the bureaucrats in the area of the emergency will protect their own friends and family long before they offer care to the average person.
Soon after a disaster strikes, the people who know where the government offices are and have the proper paperwork and experience will quickly suck up all of the public resources. After they have run out, the general population will be on its own to provide health care and medical services to neighbors and friends affected by the collapse of government services. This can be a very dangerous situation.
For example, in the case of hurricanes and many natural disasters, the electricity is the first to go. Hospitals may be able to continue operations, but only until the backup generators have also failed. And they will be operating at a much lower level than before the collapse. But the presence of a hospital is only assuming that anyone is actually able to make it that far from their homes.
Ambulance care will almost certainly disappear quickly, as the hospitals get full and patients are no longer admitted. Most ambulances have only enough gear and supplies to last a couple of trips back and forth between the hospital and emergency areas anyway. Once they are out of gas and medical supplies, an ambulance on the street is just a shelter on wheels, rather than a sign of health care.
It is these types of collapses that most people are just not prepared for, whether in terms of having extra over the counter medications at home or some extra bandages in case there is an accident. With the trend in the country of government taking over more and more services and industries by the day, people relying fully on these services will be truly in danger if they collapse because of economic or natural reasons.
The following is just a partial list of medical supplies that can safely be stored and home. Homeowners may want to have enough of them to last at least through a short term emergency:
Over the counter medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, antihistamines, and so on)Any prescriptions family members are onScissorsMaterials to splint bone fractures or breaksBars of soapBurn creamHydrogen peroxideRubbing alcoholBleachStethoscopeBlood pressure cuffLatex glovesThermometerFlashlightTweezersSpongesTowelsSterile waterBand aidsRazorsMaterials to use as a tourniquetPlastic bagsGlucose tablets (for diabetics, if necessary)
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