60 Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem

By Diane Corriette

60 Ways to Boost your Self Esteem is available as a booklet at


Below is Chapter 1 taken from this booklet. Each booklet is written to provide easy to follow information for busy people.

Chapter 1 – First 19 Self Esteem Boosters

Taken from the booklet – 60 ways to boost your self esteem

Take one of these 19 self esteem boosters and use it for the whole day if that helps. Avoid just reading them and doing nothing. Take action!

Praise Someone Today. Find someone to thank, express love and/or gratitude to

Relax Your Mind. Just for 5 seconds to start with. Stop, breathe deeply and relax.


Clear out the clutter. Your basement, the garage, the attic (loft), your old clothes from the 70s!

Forget the models on TV. Stop comparing yourself to people who make a living from the need to maintain their face and/or body, so therefore spend all day focusing on it!

Laugh. Take out your favorite comedy dvd movie or switch onto a comedy channel. Find a friend that makes you laugh.

Make other people smile. Smile at a stranger, tell a joke, tickle someone.

Dance. Take your favorite tune, turn it up loud (with headphones!) and dance until you drop!

What you focus on expands. Focus on how great you are and within no time you will feel great.

Make a decision. Is there something you have been putting off. Deciding releases feelings of anxiety. Its the indecision that causes the problem!

Let go of comparing yourself. She’s prettier than I am. He’s more intelligent than I am. Stop comparing yourself to other people and just focus on your own personal and professional growth.

Take a short walk. Not every day if that’s too much but at least a couple of times a week stop what you are doing and take a short walk in nature.

Enjoy a relaxing bubble bath. Scented candles, soft lights and music. A warm bath full of bubbles and maybe a partner to share it with! Enjoy

Set yourself a goal. What one thing can you do in the next 48 hours that will help you feel good?

Lessen your dependence on stimulants. We are at the beginners phase so I won’t say give them up but cut down at least. A little every day is better than going cold turkey!

Say something good about yourself. Right now. Yes right now as you read this say something good about yourself. GO! List what you are good at. Make a list of all the things you are really good at.

List your successes. Start small. Maybe you cleaned your car today, or you refused to eat when you were not really hungry. Is the world really that bad? Find some great things about the world, your country, your state, your home town, your neighborhood.

Create a vision for yourself. Create a vision of who you are when you are at the top of your game. What do you need to do to make that happen?

I hope you found those 19 self esteem tips useful. The next chapter focuses on taking it up a level and introduce more intermediate short term tips before ending with some advance longer term terms, all available to help you boost your self esteem and feel better about yourself.

About the Author: Diane Corriette runs How To Booklets at


providing short personal development and internet marketing booklets with practical and instantly useable information products.



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